Duminica, 8 mai a.c., ora 19, la Casa de cultura din Dumbraveni va avea loc un concert extraordinar. Este vorba de proiectul ArgEnTango, unic in Romania, ce-si propune sa prezinte intr-un mod autentic muzica lui Astor Piazzolla.

Directia Municipala pentru Cultura, Sport, Turism si Tineret Medias, in parteneriat cu Forumul Democrat al Germanilor Medias si Biserica Sfanta Margareta, organizeaza vineri, 6 mai a.c., ora 19.00, la Casa Schuller din Medias, un concert cameral sustinut de Andrei Kivu la violoncel si Verona Maier la pian.

Valentines approaching near: Love in Air

Hello, my name is Ewala. I come from the planet Alawe, in the galaxy Ewala, in the universe Alawe. But the point is I tried. If you think you need to go to the bakery, please do so now, because I do not want to be interrupted while I tell you my story. …but anyway, I have been thinking about my happiness lately and have come to the conclusion that

Not a Real Lover of the Pets

Hello, my name is Ewala. I come from the planet Alawe, in the galaxy Ewala, in the universe Alawe. But the point is I tried. If you think you need to go to the bakery, please do so now, because I do not want to be interrupted while I tell you my story. …but anyway, I have been thinking about my happiness lately and have come to the conclusion that